Terms and Conditions of Electric Service

For the City of Newark

I understand that I am entering into a contract for electric service with the City of Newark, and understand that all persons, firms, or corporations having connections within the City's electric service shall pay any applicable deposit, monthly usage, penalties, and service charges. I also understand that residential services are billed monthly and that all billings are due by the date indicated on each billing statement to avoid penalties. Customers have the ability to “opt-out” of the Renewable Energy Fee via the completion of a form located on our website Renewable Energy Program Form.

I agree that if the bills or charges submitted by the City of Newark are not paid by the specified due date, the utility may be interrupted (Sections 11-14, 15 Code of the City of Newark, Delaware). The following provisions regarding non-payment will be applied as part of this contract:

  1. A penalty will be assessed against the non-paying customer on the amount outstanding by the City of Newark on the date indicated on the bill.
  1. City of Newark may interrupt service any date after the due date for all outstanding bills. Including, but not limited to additional service provided to the service address.  If service is interrupted, the disconnection fee along with the outstanding balance must be remitted prior to restoration.
  1. If the current customer contact information is correct, the City of Newark may extend an automated courtesy call prior to service interruption.
  1. Payment arrangements in default are subject to immediate disconnection without prior notification.
  1. Utility service will be reconnected by City of Newark upon payment of the outstanding utility bill, disconnection and reconnection fees by Customer.
  1. Customers on life support status will receive priority restoration upon satisfying the requirements referenced in section e.

I understand that any payments returned as insufficient, which were applied to utility accounts, will be charged back to the account and will result in immediate service disconnection if the charges due are not paid within 10-days of notification. A returned item charge and a service charge may also be assessed.

I understand that if I have an amount due on a payment arrangement and my account is inactivated, such as a move-out transaction, the payment arrangement and past due amount will be due immediately. If this balance is not paid, then services at the new address could be disconnected for non-payment.

I, the customer, agree to give notice to the City of Newark when a change of occupancy takes place on any premises supplied by the City with electric service. Notice thereof shall be given not less than 1-day prior; but less than 21-days prior to the date of change by the outgoing customer. The outgoing customer (or additional occupants reflected on the lease agreement), shall be held responsible for all services rendered on such premises until such notice is so received by the City of Newark and the City of Newark has had reasonable time to discontinue the service. However, if such notice has not been received, the application of such a succeeding occupant for electric service will automatically terminate the prior account. The customer's deposit will be transferred from one service location to another if both locations are supplied electric service by the City. If the moving occupant does not advise of the transfer from one service to another, an additional security deposit will be required at the new residence.  The customer's deposit may not be transferred from one person's or entity's name to another. Notwithstanding the above, the City will accept telephone requests, for the convenience of its customers, to discontinue or transfer electric service from one service address to another and will use all reasonable diligence in the execution thereof.

I hereby give the City of Newark authorization to obtain identity verification, deposit determination, lease or rental agreement; and acknowledge a $30.00 application fee assessment for new service. I understand that additional fees may appear on my first bill if I request same day service &/or a technician visits my property to energize the electric service. (Section 11-16, Code of the City of Newark, Delaware)

I have read and understand the Terms and Conditions of receiving utility service from the City of Newark and agree to abide by the same. I hereby affirm and verify under penalty of law that I am the individual named in the application and the social security number provided herein is my true and correct social security number, assigned to me by the federal government.

I acknowledge that it is a criminal offense for a person to make a false statement which he/she knows to be false or does not believe to be true. Making a false statement is a Class A misdemeanor under 11 Del C. § 1233.